Whybricks helps educators bring physical science concepts to life.
Both the Whybricks kit and the lessons are intentionally versatile. You can freely implement the materials however best suits your classroom’s needs.
The Whybricks Lessons are designed to help you transfer agency over learning to your students. These lessons help you take your students on a learning journey by asking them ‘why?’ and then supporting them in discovering and presenting their answers using sound engineering and scientific practices.
Each Whybricks investigation is intended to be student-centred and led. Supported by a teacher’s guide, the bulk of the Whybricks educational resources are all student materials, designed for independent use by students.
The core of each Whybricks investigation is its Whysheet. Much more than a worksheet, a Whysheet is the students’ and educators’ guide for the investigation.
Notice and Wonder sheets
The Notice and Wonder sheets are templates designed to work alongside any investigation.
These sheets offer places for students to note observations throughout the investigation.
WOW sheets
Each WOW sheet contains information about a specific topic or fact.
The WOW sheets help students to discover and understand key information, enabling them
to apply what they learn back into the investigation.