Edison the robot is packed with features. The only real question is... What will you invent?
Edison is programmed using EdWare, a drag and drop graphical programming language that is easy to learn. EdWare is free and open source and works on Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Pre-programmed features
Getting started with Edison is easy. Simply print out some barcodes and drive him across them to activate a range of pre-programmed functions, such as line following, obstacle avoidance and learning standard TV/DVD remote control commands.
LEGO ® compatible
Edison is LEGO® compatible allowing your imagination to run wild!
Detect obstacles
Edison can navigate his way around using infrared light sensors to see obstacles to his left or right.
Remote control
Drive Edison using a standard TV/DVD remote control. Edison can learn commands from just about any remote control and can drive forward, backward, turn left, turn right, spin left and spin right.
Follow lines
Edison can follow a line or stay within a border using his line tracking sensor.
Sense light
Edison can detect fridge intruders or follow a flash light using left and right light sensors.
Two or more Edisons can communicate using infrared light. Robot swarm anyone!?
Edison can play beeps and musical tunes.
Respond to sound
Edison can respond to clapping and other loud sounds.
Edison is driven by two wheels that give him full manoeuvrability. Each wheel can drive forwards and backwards at a wide range of speeds.
Edison has two red LED lights at the front.
Easy 3 button control
With just three buttons Edison is easy to control. To start a program press triangle, to stop it press square, to download a new program press the circle once or to read a barcode press circle twice.